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Go to our FB page for all things HW...
FEB 20, 2016 KMART Collectors Day...
Exclusive cars are:
2016-095 1966 Ford Fairlane-orange (Flames)
2016-104 1971 Dodge Challenger-lime green (Then and Now)
2016-109 2015 Dodge Challenger-lime green (Then and Now)
2016-192 VW Squareback-white (Art Cars)
Mail-In car is the Blown Delivery in blue with flames
Go here to get the complete (almost) listing of the 2016 HW Mainline series. You can print off the list and us it as a check-off for next years cars.
Be sure to check out our club on FB too at
The Kmart Day will be Nov.7 2015
Kmart colors to follow soon...
Mail-in car is the Dodge Challenger Funnycar (black and red with "3" on sides).
SEPT 5 2015 KMART DAY!!!!
Kmart colors are:
2015-017 Honda S2000-HW Performance-gray
2015-193 Marda RX7-Speed Team-blue
2015-208 1967 Chevy C10-Heat Fleet-green
2015-240 Custom 2012 Mustang-HW Drift Race-black
Mail-in car is the 1964 GMC Panel Truck (black and red with "2" on sides)
2015 Mainline Variation list
(List thanks to 1eyedjack)
color code
ANO = anodized
AQU = aqua
BLK = black
BLU = blue
BRN = brown
CHR = chrome
CHAR = charcoal
CLR = clear
CPR = copper
GLD = gold
GRA = gray
GRN = green
IVY = ivory
MF = metalflake (base only)
MTL = metal
NON = none
ORN = orange
PNK = pink
PRL = pearl
PUR = purple
SAT = satin
SIL = silver
SPEC = Spectraflame
TNT = tinted
UNK = unknown
WHT = white
YEL = yellow
wheel code
alw = all large wheels
asw = all small wheels
axl = all extra large wheels
axs = all extra small wheels
OR = off road
No. - Casting Name - Color - base / interior / windows - wheels
1 -
Speed Dozer
- 1) Top Green - BLK / CHR / NON - OR, gld rim 6SPK, OH5
2 -
Turbine Time
- 1) Pearl Red - MTL / CHR / CLR - 5 SPK
2 -
Turbine Time
- 2) Metallic Pearl Green - ___________ - 5 SPK
3 -
- 1) White - BLU / CHR / CHR - wht OH5, blu tires
4 -
Chill Mill
- 1) White - BLK / CHR / BLU - red chr rim OH5
5 -
- 2) Yellow - BLK / NON / CHR - OR, yel rim 6 SPK
6 -
So Plowed
- 1) Orange - WHT / NON / CHR - OR, blk 5 SPK, wht tires
7 -
Fast Gassin' (TH)
- 1) Blue - CHR / NON / ORN - asw, 5 SPK
8 -
Cockney Cab II
- 1) red & black - MTL / CHR / NON - chr rim PR5
8 -
Cockney Cab II
- 2) Mystery Blue / Thunder Blue - MTL / NON / CHR - red chr rim PR5
9 -
Mig Rig
- 1) Red - MTL / CHR / CLR - 5 SPK
9 -
Mig Rig
- 2) Candy Turqoise - MTL / CHR / CLR - gld 5 SPK
10 -
Street Cleaver
- 1) Lt Green - MTL / CHR / NON - OR, red chr rim 6SPK/OH5
10 -
Street Cleaver
- 2) Orange - MTL / CHR / NON - OR, yel rim 6 SPK/OH5
11 -
10 Ford Shelby GT500
- 1) Gold Afflair White - BLK / BLK / TNT - gra PR5
11 -
10 Ford Shelby GT500 (WM ex)
- 2) Zamac - ___________ - ___________
12 -
09 Corvette ZR1
- 1) Light Gulf Blue - ORN / BLK / TNT - orn chr rim MC5
13 -
Great Gatspeed
- 1) Red - RED / RED / NON - OH5
15 -
1971 Buick Rivera
- 1) M/F Lt Green - BLK / CHR / TNT - asw, PR5
15 -
1971 Buick Rivera
- 2) Candy Red - BLK / CHR / TNT - asw, red chr rim PR5
16 -
83 Chevy Silverado
- 1) Orange - CHR / BLK / TNT - alw, chr rim PR5
18 -
71 El Camino
- 1) Black - CHR / GRA / CLR - 5 SPK
18 -
71 El Camino (WM ex)
- 2) Zamac - CHR / BLK / CLR - pnk 5 SPK
18 -
71 El Camino
- 3) M/F Bright Purple - CHR / GRA / CLR - wht rim MC5
19 -
69 Dodge Charge 500
- 1) Micro Bright Blue - CHR / BLK / TNT - 5 SPK
19 -
69 Dodge Charger 500 Hemi
- 2) Violet Afflair Black - CHR / BLK / TNT - 5 SPK
20 -
Custom '77 Dodge Van ($TH)
- 1) Spectraflame Yellow - CHR / BLK / TNT - RR, sil disc
20 -
Custom '77 Dodge Van
- 2) Yellow - CHR / BLK / TNT - MC5
21 -
Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano
- 1) Giallo Modena - BLK / BLK / TNT - yel rim PR5
22 -
Super Volt
- 1) Anodized Apple Red - BLK / CHR / TNT - PR5s
23 -
Lamborghini Urus
- 1) Micro Apple Red - BLK / BLK / TNT - alw, PR5
23 -
Lamborghini Urus
- 2) Pearlescent White - BLK / BLK / TNT - alw, PR5
24 -
- 1) MB Blue - BLK / ? / TNT - asw, PR5
26 -
Volkswagen Beetle (TH)
- 1) Pink - MTL / BLU / CLR - wht MC5, yel/blu tires
27 -
67 Austin Mini Van
- 1) Micro Apple Red - YEL / ? / CLR - asw, multi PR5
27 -
67 Austin Mini Van
- 2) zamac - ___________ - asw, PR5
28 -
Hiway Hauler 2
- 1) White - BLK / NON / BLK - alw, blk 5 SPK, wht tires
28 -
Hiway Hauler 2
- 2) Light Yellow & Marine Blue - BLK / NON / CHR - alw, blu chr rim OH5
29 -
Bread Box
- 1) M/F Green - CHR / ORN / BLU - yel, orn chr 5 spk
30 -
Mad Manga
- 1) M/F Orange - BLK / YEL / CLR - xsw, 5 SPK
31 -
Preying Menace
- 1) Pearl Green - MTL / GLD PRL / TNT - gld chr 5 SPK
32 -
- 1) Micro Torch Red - YEL MTL / NON / BLK - gld chr rim PR5
33 -
Eevil Weevil
- 1) Blue - MTL / NON / NON - gld chr 5 SPK
34 -
Tomb Up
- 1) Pearl Yellow - MTL / NON / CHR - red chr rim OH5
34 -
Tomb Up
- 2) Mystery Blue - BLU MET / NON / CHR - blu chr rim OH5
35 -
Knight Draggin'
- 1) Pearl Maroon - YEL MET / CHR / NON - yel rim OH5
35 -
Knight Draggin'
- 2) Metallic Blue - BLU MTL / GLD CHR / NON - gld rim OH5
36 -
Bad Ratitude
- 1) Brown - TAN MTL / GRA / NON - chr rim PR5
37 -
Super Stinger
- 1) Blue - AQU MTL / NON / CHR - PR5s
39 -
- 1) Sublime - GRN / CHR / NON - orn chr rim PR5
39 -
- 2) Blue Abu Dhabi - BLU / CHR / NON - 10 SPK, trans blu tires
42 -
4Ward Speed
- 1a) Micro Torch Red - WHI MTL / NON / NON - blk TRAP5, gra tires
42 -
4Ward Speed
- 1b) Micro Torch Red - WHI MTL / NON / NON - blk OH5, gra tires
42 -
4Ward Speed
- 2) Satin White - RED / NON / NON - TRAP5
44 -
Rocketfire (TH)
- 1) M/F Blue - MET / GLD CHR / BLU - whi OH5, orn tires
46 -
Rescue Duty
- 1) Hub Red - RED MET / GRA / YEL - red chr rim PR5
46 -
Rescue Duty
- 1) Hub Red - RED MET / GRA / YEL - red chr rim PR5 (lg)
46 -
Rescue Duty
- 2) Day Glo Chartreuse - MET / ? / BLU - blu chr PR5 (lg)
47 -
Combat Medic
- 1) M/F Lime Pearl - CHR / WHT / GRN - asw, grn chr OH5
48 -
Canyon Carver
- 1) Black - MTL / BLK / RED - blu chr rim Mc3
51 -
5 Alarm
- 1) White - RED MTL / NON / CHR - red chr 5 SPK
51 -
5 Alarm
- 2) Hugger Green - MTL / NON / CHR - grn chr 5 SPK
52 -
Propper Chopper
- 1) White - BLU / ? / RED - none
53 -
- 1) M/F Black - RED / GLD CHR / YEL - axs, red tires
54 -
Speed Trap
- 1) MB Blue - BLK / CHR / RED - blu chr rim PR5
55 -
Super Van
- 1) Micro Apple Red - CHR / ? / CLR - gld chr PR5
55 -
Super Van
- 2) Gold Afflair White - CHR / ? / RED - red chr rim OH5
57 -
The Jetsons Capsule Car
- 1) Sublime - GRN / GRN / CLR - clr OH5, clr tires
58 -
Simpson's : The Homer
- 1) Green - CHR / ORN / TNT - asw, 5 SPK
59 -
- 1) Red - GRN / NON / NON - OH5
61 -
Batman Arkham Knight Batmoblle
- 1) Semi Gloss Black - BLK / NON / TNT CHR - OR, pur rim 6 SPK
62 -
Batman - Batmobile *
- 1) Black - BLK MTL / BLK / RED - red chr rim PR5
62 -
- 1) Black VUM - SAT BLK MTL / NON / YEL - yel rim PR5
63 -
Batmobile The Brave and the Bold
- 1) M/F Dk Blue - BLK / ? / TNT - asw, TRAP5
63 -
- 2) Black - ___________ - asw, yel rim OH5
65 -
Batman Live! Batmobile
- 1) Black - BLK / BLK / YEL - asw, gld rim DISCS
66 -
- 1b) M/F Electric Green - BLK / WHI / YEL - MC5
66 -
- 1a) M/F Electric Green - BLK / WHI / YEL - TRAP5
66 -
- 2) Red - GRA / WHT / YEL - TRAP5
67 -
Torque Twister
- 1) M/F Purple - ORN / CHR / CLR - wht rim PR5
67 -
Torque Twister
- 2) Pearlescent White - ORN / GLD CHR / CLR - gld rim PR5
69 -
Fast Felion (TH)
- 1) M/F Warm Gold - RED / CHR / TNT - red chr rim PR5
70 -
Muscle Tone
- 1) Red - BLK / WHT / CLR - pur chr MC5
71 -
Surf Crate
- 1) Candy Red - FLT BLK / WHT / NON - 5 SPK
72 -
Custom '62 Chevy
- 1) Pearl Golden Yellow - BLK / CHR / TNT - alw, yel rim MC5
73 -
Kool Kombi ($TH)
- 1) Spectraflame Aqua - CHR / RED / CLR - RR, WW, chr rev
73 -
Kool Kombi
- 2) Lake Green - CHR / RED / CLR - wht 5 SPK
74 -
Pedal Driver
- 1) Red - CHR / BLK / GRA - 5 SPK
75 -
Loopster (hands up rider)
- 1a) Red - MTL / GRA / NON - asw, yel OH5
75 - Loopster - 1b) Red - MTL / GRA / NON - asw, yel OH5
76 -
Fast 4WD
- 1) M/F Silver - GRN / BLK / BLU - TRAP5
77 -
08 Lancer Evolution ($TH)
- 1) Spectraflame Steel Blue - GRA / GRA / TNT - alw, RR, blue 6SPK
77 -
'08 Lancer Evolution
- 2) Black - GRA / GRA / TNT - alw, blu chr J5
78 -
12 Ford Fiesta
- 1) M/F Brown - GRA / GRA / CLR - asw, yel PR5
79 -
Off Track
- 1a) T'der Blue - MTL / RED / TNT - alw, orn chr rim MC5
79 -
Off Track
- 1b) T'der Blue - MTL / RED / TNT - alw, orn chr rim PR5
79 -
Off Track
- 1c) T'der Blue - MTL / RED / TNT - alw, orn chr rim OH5
79 -
Off Track
- 2) Pearl Maroon - MTL / BLK / YEL - alw, yel rim MC5
80 -
Morris Mini
- 1b) Orange - MTL / BLK / TNT - chr rim MC5
80 -
Morris Mini
- 1a) Orange - MTL / BLK / TNT - chr rim PR5
80 -
Morris Mini
- 2) Sky Blue - CHR / BLK / TNT - asw, 5 SPK
81 -
- 1) Candy Red - MTL / RED / WHI hb - red chr, knobby
82 -
Harley-Davidson Fat Boy
- 1) M/F Black - MTL / BLK / NON - Mc3
83 -
Street Stealth
- 1) Red / Zinc Plated - BLU MET / RED / RED - Mc3
83 -
Street Stealth
- 2) Grabber Blue - ___________ - ___________
84 -
Sand Stinger
- 1) Yellow - MTL / BLK / NON - OR, red chr rim 6SPK
85 -
Tred Shredder
- 1) Anodized Green - MTL / NON / BLK HB - yel knobby
86 -
Sting Rod II
- 1) Process Blue - BLK / GRA / ORN - asw, OR, orn/chr rim 6 SPK
87 -
- 1) Oasis (Brown) - RED / CHR / NON - red chr, gray, 5SPK
89 -
Enforcer (TH)
- 1) anodized grey - YEL / NON / BLK - OR, grn/blu rim 6 SPK
91 -
Cloud Cutter
- 1) Red - WHI / CHR / BLU - yel rim OH5
92 -
Mad Propz
- 1) M/F Warm Gold - BLU MTL / NON / CHR - xsw, 5 SPK
92 -
Mad Propz
- 2) Black / Yellow Orange - YEL ORN / NON / CHR - xs, 5 SPK
94 -
Sky Knife
- 1) Candy Red - GRN / NON / NON - axs, yel 5SPK
95 -
Jet Threat 4.0 (TH)
- 1) Top Green - M/F BLK MET / CHR / NON - orn chr rim PR5
96 -
Rip Rod
- 2) Micro Torch Red - BLK MET / GRA / CHR - yel rim MC5
97 -
Mountain Mauler
- 1) Yellow - BLK / GRA / NON - asw, orn chr rim 6 SPK
97 -
Mountain Mauler
- 2) Top Green - BLK / GRA / NON - OR, asw, yel rim 6 SPK
98 -
Hot Wheels Ford Transit Connect
- 1) Candy Red - GRA / BLK / TNT - asw, red chr PR5
100 -
Bull Whip
- 1) Pearl White - BLK MTL / MUS / NON - alw, chr rim PR5
100 -
Bull Whip
- 2) M/F Blue - BLU MTL / GRA / NON - alw, blu chr rim PR5
FEB 14 2015 KMART DAY!!! Kmart Day info!!! The rules for this include for acceptable receipts: "During the Promotion Purchase Period from February 14, 2015 to March 21, 2015 buy any 20 (twenty) Hot Wheels® 1:64 basic cars from the 2014 to present assortment numbers C4982 and/or L2593 from participating Kmart stores and from" -- HWC Gary
Cars are: 1969 Chevelle SS 396-blue...1986 Monte Carlo SS-green...Datson 620 Pickup-yellow...Ford Shelby GTR Concept-white. The mail-in car is a 1971 El Camino-black and red "1"
2015 Regular TH
A Case-Chicane-chrome
B Case-Jeep CJ7-orange
C Case-Rocket Fire-blue
D Case-Fast Felion-gold
E Case VW Bug-pink
F Case-Jet Threat-green and orange
G Case-Paradigm Shift-transparent purple
A Case-Kool Kombi-green
B case-RR Roadster-blue
C case-Toyota AE86 Corolla-red
D case-Ferrari 599xx-black
E Case-1969 Ford Boss Mustang 302-burnt orange
F case-Custom 1977 Dodge Van-gold
G Case-Mastretta MXR-red
H CasePass N Gasser-blue
Heritage Series 2015 Real Riders
1980 Dodge Macho Power Wagon-yellow
Altered Ego-burnt orange
Custom Chevy Greenbrier Sports Wagon-blue
Custom Chevy Greenbrier Sports Wagon-yellow-prototype
Datsun 240Z-red
Datsun Bluebird 510-white
Heritage Series 2015 Redlines
Hare Splitter-green
1949 Ford F1-silver
1955 Chevy Bel Air Gasser-antifreeze green
1968 Dodge Dart-pink
Copper Stopper-blue and silver
Pop Culture 2015 Mars Candies
1949 Ford F1-Dove-white and blue
1955 Chevy Panel-3 Musketeers-white and gray
1966 Dodge A100-Starburst-red
Combat Medic-Twix-gray red and gold
Quick D-Livery-Skittles-red
VW Drag Bus-M+Ms-yellow
Pop Culture 2015 Sponge Bob
1934 Dodge Delivery-bluegray
1967 Ford Bronco-blue
Custom 1952 Chevy Delivery-red and yellow
Custom 1972 Ford Ranchero-yellow
Dairy Delivery-purple
Hiway Hauler-yellow
2014 Mainline base changes list:
(List thanks to axellent)
9 Ice Cream Truck - "made in MALAYSIA" on left base, on right base.
18 Custom 12 Mustang - different fonts.
26 Subaru WRX – Base w small old style HW logo and smaller “1186 MJ, 1, NL” text, and larger.
27 Porsche 993 GT2 - Old and New logos on bases.
49 Super Van - text relocation, Old and New logos on bases.
50 So Plowed - large and small logos on base.
53 Fangster – logo changes position.
55 Sting Rod II – with and without new style logo.
61 The Batman Batmobile – Old HW logo base (facing rear), New logo base (facing left) Text is rearranged.
62 Batmobile – 3 bases, 1 with large “MALAYSIA” on side scoop, others have larger and smaller “made in Malaysia”.
70 Knight Dragon base text changes.
74 Porsche 993 Turbo RSR – Old and new base logos.
87 Rev Rod-has either "(c)2014 Mattel" or "(c)2014 mattel" on base.
97 '70 Ford Mustang Mach 1 - base text swapped sides.
98 Custom 67 Mustang – different base text, with old logo and without.
99 ’71 Mustang Funny Car - different text and logo placement.
110 Fast 4WD - small logo and large logo bases.
114 Meyers Manx – with and without old style logo, different text.
117 Boneshaker - base w old and new logo.
120 Rip Rod- text variation small and big "TM" on base.
135 Sandblaster – 3 bases 1 W/O “1186 MJ, 1, NL” cast on it (’10 – “11 base) is ink printed on, text swapped sides.
136 83 Silverado - logo base and no logo base.
139 Datsun 620 - HW logo size variation (only about 1/16th of an inch) like the Custom 65 Galaxie.
142 Night Burner- different base fonts.
144 Circle Tracker- Text differences on bases, "made in Malaysia" tight together.
145 24/Seven - white cars, blue base color swing.
152 Madfast -"made in Malaysia" in large and smaller text on bases.
158 Whip Creamer II - New HW logo, and no logo base.
167 Bump Around - Old HW logo and Reversed (mirrored) logo on bases.
172 Carbonator large and small font base.
179 69 Chevelle - with and without HW logo on engine oilpan.
184 Off Track - T-Hunt has a base variation one has the date 2014, with large HW logo, no 2014, small HW logo.
187 Covelight - Old and new HW logo bases.
191 Custom Volkswagen Beetle – New HW logo base and No logo base. Text is rearranged on bases.
194 Morris Mini - New logo and no logo bases, different text.
211 68 Dodge Dart - ink stamped and punched date codes.
213 69 Camaro - bases w large old style logo and tiny new style logo.
214 69 Corvette old and new logo bases.
231 70 Camaro – base retooled text font changes and swapped side to side.
223 64 Corvette Sting Ray - Candy Red base has small and large HW logos
229 14 COPO Camaro - Large and small old style HW logo.
229 '13 ('14) COPO Camaro - base has '13 instead of '14, small and large HW logo.
247 Custom Volkswagen Beetle-logo and no logo base.
248 '72 Ford Torino - w and w/o HW logo on base.
250 Custom 64 Galaxie 500 – Large and small old style HW logo.
Non mainline base changes.
Mustang 50th
99 Mustang - w and w/o HW logo on base.
65 Mustang - grey plastic base. 50th 5pk.
Pillow pack cars [Mystery cars]
Boneshaker yellow - Thailand base. Mainline is Malaysia base. Yellow and tampo colors vary.
I still need photos for some,
55 Sting Rod II – with and without new style logo.
70 Knight Dragon base text changes.
87 Rev Rod-has either "(c)2014 Mattel" or "(c)2014 mattel" on base.
97 '70 Ford Mustang Mach 1-base text swapped sides.
110 Fast 4WD - small logo and large logo bases.
114 Meyers Manx – with and without old style logo, different text.
142 Night Burner- different base fonts.
144 Circle Tracker- Text differences on bases, "made in Malaysia" tight together.
152 Madfast-"made in Malaysia" in large and smaller text on bases.
158 Whip Creamer II- New HW logo, and no logo base.
172 Carbonator large and small font base. Blue base.
179 69 Chevelle- with and without HW logo on engine oilpan.
187 Covelight - Old and new HW logo bases.
211 68 Dodge Dart - ink stamped and punched date codes.
223 64 Corvette Sting Ray - Candy Red base has small and large HW logos.
248 '72 Ford Torino - w and w/o HW logo on base.
Mystery series Boneshaker Thailand base..
November 8 2014...Kmart HW Collectors Day Event...Mail-in car is a 1959 Cadillac Funny Car-burnt orange with a black roof... “3” and flames on the sides.
The Kmart colors are:
2014-022 Toyota Supra-white
2014-094 2007 Ford Mustang-yellow
2014-107 Dodge Challenger Drift Car-blue
2014-204 1964 Corvette Stingray-black
2014 Mainline Variation list
(List thanks to 1eyedjack)
color code
ANO = anodized
AQU = aqua
BLK = black
BLU = blue
BRN = brown
CHR = chrome
CHAR = charcoal
CLR = clear
CPR = copper
GLD = gold
GRA = gray
GRN = green
IVY = ivory
MF = metalflake (base only)
MTL = metal
NON = none
ORN = orange
PNK = pink
PRL = pearl
PUR = purple
SAT = satin
SIL = silver
SPEC = Spectraflame
TNT = tinted
UNK = unknown
WHT = white
YEL = yellow
wheel code
alw = all large wheels
asw = all small wheels
axl = all extra large wheels
axs = all extra small wheels
OR = off road
No. - Casting Name - Color - base / interior / windows - wheels
1 - 18 - Custom '12 Ford Mustang - 2) M/F Amethyst Pearl - BLK / GRA / BLU - asw, gld TRAP 5
19 - Audacious - 1) green - BLK / YEL / BLU - asw, yel rim OH5
19 - Audacious - 2) Light Yellow - BLK / GRA / BLU - asw, grn rim OH5
25 - Fiat 500 - 2) Pearl White - BLK / BLK / TNT - asw, 5Y
55 - Sting Rod II - 2) Violet Afflair Black - GRN / GRA / GRN - asw, OR, orn 5SPK
98 - 67 Custom Mustang (WM ex) - 2) Zamac - CHR / CHAR / CLR - asw, 5 SPK
119 - Fly-By - 2) Anodized Apple Red - RED MTL / BLK / NON - Mc3
146 - F1 Racer - 2) Black - ORN / WHT / NON - asw, blu chr rim OH5
165 - Let's Go - 2) Lime Green - MTL / BLU / NON - yel rim PR5
175 - Rig Storm - 2) Blue - MTL / CHR / TNT - red chr rim OH5
194 - Morris Mini - 2) British Racing Green - MTL / GRA / CLR - asw, chr rim MC5
211 - ’68 Dodge Dart - 2) Blue - CHR / BLK / BLU - asw, gld chr rim PR5
215 - 70 Buick GSX - 2) M/F Black - CHR / BLU / TNT - blu chr rim MC5
218 - 65 Chevy Impala - 2) Rootbeer - GLD CHR / GLD PRL / GRN - asw, gld chr rim OH5
219 - ’69 Mercury Cougar Eliminator - 1) Red - CHR / BLK / CLR - chr rim MC5
225 - Nissan Skyline H/T 2000GT-X (WM ex) - 2a) Zamac - GRA / GRN / CLR - asw, MC5
225 - [COLOR:BLUE] Nissan Skyline H/T 2000GT-X (WM ex) 243 - 70 Chevy Chevelle SS (WM ex) - 3a) Zamac - RED / CHR / BLU - asw, blu chr rim MC5
Color Shifters 2014
2014 Color Shifters-City-#5 of 48-Skull Crusher-pink to purple-
2014 Color Shifters-City-#11 Ford F150-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#15 of 48-Baja Breaker-orange to yellow-
2014 Color Shifters-City-#16 Super Stinger-black to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-#17 Torque Twister-white to orange
2014 Color Shifters-City-#19 of 48-Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X-dark purple to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#21 Camaro-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#23 T-Bird Stocker-red to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#25 of 48-El Superfasto-blue to yellow-
2014 Color Shifters-City-#27 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 5604-black to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#30 Repo Duty-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#31 RD09-purple to pink
2014 Color Shifters-City-#32 Dodge Viper-green to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#33 Scion Xb-brown to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-#36 Muscle Tone-brown to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-#37 Vampyra-green to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#40 Drift Tech-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#41 Dodge Charger RT-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#42 1961 Morris Mini-green to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#43 1967 Camaro-black to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#45 of 48-Carbide-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#46 Bassline-blue to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#47 Buzzkill-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-# What 4 2-purple to white
Kroger Only Cars:
Kroger 2014 #1 4th of July Cars-Nissan 350Z-yellow
Kroger 2014 #2 4th of July Cars-1981 Camaro-white
Kroger 2014 #3 4th of July Cars-1973 Pontiac Firebird-black
Kroger 2014 #4 4th of July Cars-Corvette C6 Convertible-red
Kroger 2014 #5 4th of July Cars-VW Bug Convertible-turquoise green
Kroger 2014 #6 4th of July Cars-1937 Ford Woodie-orange and blue
Kroger 2014 Mission Madness #1 Boneshaker-yellow
Kroger 2014 Mission Madness #2 1966 Chevy Nova-purple
Kroger 2014 Mission Madness #3 2006 Dodge Viper SRT10-red
Kroger 2014 Mission Madness #4 Triumph TR6-orange
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Backwards Bob-purple to blueTRU 2014 1988 JEEP Wagoneer-brown and black mail in runs July 13-Sept 15 2014
9 pack 2014 Corvette-green
2014 Ghostbusters 30th Anniv Ecto 1 with figures 1-18 scale
2014 HW 50 Years Mustang Anniv 2013 Mustang-white-dk or lt windows-Walmart
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Skullface-clear body
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Street Shark-blue
2014 Spiderman #8 of 8 Evil Twin-black
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Bone Blazer with Bone Shaker-black
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Bone Blazer with Bone Shaker-green
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Choper Chase with Proper Choper-orange
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Choper Chase with Proper Choper-yellow
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Haulin Heat with Monoposto-silver
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Road Rally with Off Track-silver
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Road Rally with Off Track-yellow
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Speed Hauler with Super Blitzen-orange
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Speed Hauler-green and chrome
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Speed Rumble Road-orange and purple
2014 Truckin Transporters-Road Roller with Bone Shaker-red
2014 Truckin Transporters-Road Roller with Bone Shaker-turquoise blue
2014 Truckin Transporters-Rumble Road with Team HW Buggy-white
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Grave Digger-purple to green
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Stone Crusher-blue to yellow
Retro Entertainment 2014-1967 Plymouth Belvedere GTX-turquoise-Tommy Boy-D case
Retro Entertainment 2014-1970 Dodge Charger RT-black-Fast & Furious-D case
Retro Entertainment 2014 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS-red-Hart to Hart-B case
Retro Entertainment 2014 The Jetsons Capsule Car-green-B Case
Retro Entertainment 2014-Custom 1977 Dodge Van-white-Anchorman-E case
Retro Entertainment 2014-Ford Super De Luxe-black-Back To The Future-F case
Retro Entertainment 2014-Super Pursuit Mode KITT-black-Knight Rider-D case
Retro Entertainment 2014-The Homer-green-The Simpsons-E case
Star Wars 2014 C3PO and R2D2
Star Wars 2014 Darth Vader car from SDCC
Newest Color Shifters:
2014 Color Shifters-City-#5 of 48-Skull Crusher-pink to purple
2014 Color Shifters-City-#11 Ford F150-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#15 of 48-Baja Breaker-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#16 Super Stinger-black to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-#19 of 48-Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X-dark purple to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#21 Camaro-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#25 of 48-El Superfasto-blue to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#27 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 5604-black to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#30 Repo Duty-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#31 RD09-purple to pink
2014 Color Shifters-City-#32 Dodge Viper-green to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#33 Scion Xb-brown to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-#36 Muscle Tone-brown to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-#37 Vampyra-green to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#40 Drift Tech-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#41 Dodge Charger RT-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#42 1961 Morris Mini-green to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#43 1967 Camaro-black to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#45 of 48-Carbide-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#46 Bassline-blue to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#47 Buzzkill-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-# What 4 2-purple to white
Newest Trackin Trucks Haulers:
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Bone Blazer with Bone Shaker-black
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Bone Blazer with Bone Shaker-green
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Choper Chase with Proper Choper-orange
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Choper Chase with Proper Choper-yellow
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Haulin Heat with Monoposto-silver
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Hiway Hauler with Teegray-red
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Hiway Hauler with Teegray-white
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Road Rally with Off Track-silver
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Road Rally with Off Track-yellow
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Speed Hauler with Super Blitzen-orange
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Speed Hauler-green and chrome
2014 Trackin Trucks Haulers-Speed Rumble Road-orange and purple
2014 Truckin Transporters-Road Roller with Bone Shaker-red
2014 Truckin Transporters-Road Roller with Bone Shaker-turquoise blue
2014 Truckin Transporters-Rumble Road with Team HW Buggy-white
HW Road Trippin Cars:
#6 40s Woodie-yellow and black
#10 So Fine-red and white
#22 1983 Chevy Silverado Pick-up-brown
Kroger 4th of July Cars:
Kroger 2014 #1 4th of July Cars-Nissan 350Z-yellow
Kroger 2014 #2 4th of July Cars-1981 Camaro-white
Kroger 2014 #3 4th of July Cars-1973 Pontiac Firebird-black
Kroger 2014 #4 4th of July Cars-Corvette C6 Convertible-red
Kroger 2014 #5 4th of July Cars-VW Bug Convertible-turquoise green
Kroger 2014 #6 4th of July Cars-1937 Ford Woodie-orange and blue
Kroger Mission Madness-4 cars in this Mystery Set:
2014 Kroger Mission Madness #1 of 4 Bone Shaker-yellow
2014 Kroger Mission Madness #2 of 4 2006 Dodge Viper Coupe-red
Monster Jams Color Shifters:
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Backwards Bob-purple to blue
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Backwards Bob-purple to blue002
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Grave Digger-purple to green
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Grave Digger-purple to green002
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Stone Crusher-blue to yellow
Monster Jams 2014 Color Shifters Stone Crusher-blue to yellow002
Retro Entertainment:
Retro Entertainment 2014-1967 Plymouth Belvedere GTX-turquoise-Tommy Boy-D case
Retro Entertainment 2014-1970 Dodge Charger RT-black-Fast & Furious-D case
Retro Entertainment 2014 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS-red-Hart to Hart-B case
Retro Entertainment 2014 The Jetsons Capsule Car-green-B Case
Retro Entertainment 2014-Custom 1977 Dodge Van-white-Anchorman-E case
Retro Entertainment 2014-Ford Super De Luxe-black-Back To The Future-F case
Retro Entertainment 2014-Super Pursuit Mode KITT-black-Knight Rider-D case
Retro Entertainment 2014-The Homer-green-The Simpsons-E case
Walmart Spiderman Cars:
Street Creeper-blue
I Candy-red and green
Spider Rider-red and blue
Hammered Coupe-red
Fire Eater-bluegray
Evil Twin-black
9 pack 2014 2009 Corvette ZR1-orange
2014-236 HW Workshop-1964 Chevy Nova Station Wagon-gold-SUPER TH
2014 Color Shifters-City-#1 of 48-2005 Mustang GT-black to red
2014 Color Shifters-City-#2 of 48-Audacious-white to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#3 of 48-Fire Eater-white to red
2014 Color Shifters-City-#4 of 48-HWTF Buggy-blue to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#5 of 48-Skull Crusher-white to purple
2014 Color Shifters-City-#6 of 48-VW Drag Bus-green to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#7 of 48-Power Rage-green to black
2014 Color Shifters-City-#8 of 48-Purple Passion-purple to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#9 of 48-Aeroflash-purple to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#14 of 48-1955 Chevy Panel-orange to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#18 of 48-Chrysler 300 Bling-black to silver
2014 Color Shifters-City-#29 of 48-Sharkruiser-green to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#34 of 48-1957 Chevy-black to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#39 of 48-VW Beetle-blue to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#44 of 48-1984 Pontiac GTO-black to green
2014 Color Shifters-City-# of 48-El Superfasto-black to
2014 HW Road Trippin-#1 of 32-1 Fourth Mile Coupe-Black and beige-State Route 190
2014 HW Road Trippin-#5 of 32-1949 Drag Merc-silver-State Route 375
2014 HW Road Trippin-#9 of 32-1957 Chevy-black-Route 66
2014 HW Road Trippin-#13 of 32-1969 Dodge Charger-blue-Highway 1
2014 HW Road Trippin-#25 of 32-Firebird Funnycar-yellow-Highway 212
2014 HW Road Trippin-#29 of 32-2009 Corvette ZR1-burnt orange-NH 112
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Commander Croc-green
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Flexforce-blue
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Flexforce-yellow
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Scorpedo-black
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Scorpedo-orange
2014 Mutant Machines-City-Top Speed GT-orange
Cool Classics 2014 #1 of 30 1932 Ford-purple-F
Cool Classics 2014 #2 of 30 1987 Toyota Pickup Truck-orange-F
Cool Classics 2014 #3 of 30 1967 Pontiac Firebird-gold-F
Cool Classics 2014 #4 of 30 1977 Pontiac Firebird-blue-F
Cool Classics 2014 #5 of 30 Chevy Camaro Concept-gold-F
Cool Classics 2014 #6 of 30-Purple Passion-purple-G
Cool Classics 2014 #7 of 30-1929 Ford Pickup-orange-G
Cool Classics 2014 #8 of 30-1967 Camaro-blue-G
Cool Classics 2014 #9 of 30-1952 Hudson Hornet-antifreeze green-G
Cool Classics 2014 #10 of 30 1968 Olds 442-gold-G
2012 Happy New Year Carbonator-red and white-CHASE
2013 Happy New Year Carbonator-blue and gold-CHASE
2014-001 HW City-City Works-Repo Duty-yellow and black-E Case
2014-003 HW City-City Works-Surfin School Bus-yellow-F Case
2014-008 HW City-City Works-Wheel Loader-yellow and black-F Case
2014-021 HW City-Night Burnerz-Mazda RX7-metallic red with NO roll cage-F46 on base-D Case
2014-021 HW City-Night Burnerz-Mazda RX7-metallic red with roll cage-F40 on base-D Case
2014-022 HW City-Night Burnerz-Toyota Supra-blue and green-F Case
2014-024 HW City-Night Burnerz-1970 Toyota Celica-red-D Case
2014-027 HW City-Night Burnerz-Porsche 993 GT2-red-F Case
2014-031 HW City-Night Burnerz-Ferrari F12 Berlinetta-silver-E Case
2014-038 HW City-Night Burnerz-Ferrari LaFerrari-red-F Case
2014-040 HW City-Speed Team-Porsche Panamera-red-E Case
2014-041 HW City-Rescue-5 Alarm-red
2014-042 HW City-Rescue-2010 Camaro SS-yellow with light bar
2014-044 HW City-Rescue-Chevy Tahoe Police-blue-D Case
2014-045 HW City-Rescue-HW Pursuit-red and white-F Case
2014-046 HW City-Rescue-Island Hopper-white and orange-E Case
2014-047 HW City-Rescue-Rescue Duty-green and white-REGULAR TH-G Case
2014-054 HW City-Arachnorod-orange-F Case
2014-054 HW City-Street Beasts-Arachnorod-orange-F Case
2014-055 HW City-Street Beasts-Sting Rod II-red-E Case
2014-057 HW City-Future Fleet-Turbo Turret-black-E Case
2014-063 HW City-Batman 75th Anniv-The Tumbler Camouflage Version-khaki-F Case
2014-066 HW City-Medieval Rides-Rodzilla-orange with dots on rear-D Case
2014-066 HW City-Medieval Rides-Rodzilla-orange with hair on rear-D Case
2014-085 HW City-Tooned 1-Max Steel Motorcycle-white and blue-E Case
2014-086 HW City-Tooned 1-Max Steel Turbo Racer-blue-E Case
2014-089 HW City-Tooned II-The Homer (Simpsons)-green-F case-
2014-093 HW City-Mustang 50th Anniv-1967 Ford Mustang Coupe-green
2014-094 HW City-Mustang 50th Anniv-1971 Mustang Mach 1-gold-D Case
2014-095 HW City-Mustang 50th Anniv-2007 Ford Mustang-red-LT or DK Windows-E Case
2014-095 HW City-Mustang 50th Anniv-2007 Ford Mustang-red-LT or DK Windows-SUPER TH-E Case
2014-103 HW Off Road-Stunt Curcuit-Mountain Hauler-red and blue-E Case
2014-105 HW Off Road-Stunt Curcuit-Fast Bed Hauler-blue and gray with sliding truck bed-F Case
2014-108 HW Off Road-Road Rally-Subaru Impreza WRX-blue-D Case
2014-111 HW Off Road-Off Track-Team HW Buggy-orange-E Case
2014-118 HW Off Road-Test Facility-Cool One-black-E Case
2014-121 HW Off Road-Dare Devils-Loop Coupe-bluegray-REGULAR TH- F Case
2014-124 HW Off Road-Dare Devils-Mad Propz-blue and green-F Case
2014-127 HW Off Road-Moto-BMW K 1300R-black-E Case
2014-129 HW Off Road-Moto-HW 450F-purple and yellow-E Case
2014-134 HW Off Road-Hot Trucks-1972 Ford Ranchero-yellow-D Case
2014-142 HW Race-Race Team-Impavido-blue-F Case
2014-151 HW Race-Thrill Racers-Horseplay-white-E Case
2014-152 HW Race-Thrill Racers-Madfast-purple-F Case
2014-158 HW Race-Thrill Racers-Whip Creamer II-black-F Case
2014-159 HW Race-Thrill Racers-RRRoadster-silver-F Case
2014-161 HW Race-Track Aces-2013 Ford Mustang GT-orange-D Case
2014-166 HW Race-Track Aces-Bump Around-green-fwd or bkwd HW logo on base-E Case
2014-168 HW Race-Track Aces-Maximum Leeway-black-REG TH-E Case
2014-170 HW Race-Track Aces-1968 Mercury Cougar-white-E Case
2014-173 HW Race-XRaycers-Drift Rod-black-F Case
2014-174 HW Race-XRaycers-Vandetta-blue-E Case
2014-185 HW Race-Night Storm-Chicane-red-F Case
2014-192 HW Workshop-All Stars-Toyota 2000 GT-yellow-F Case
2014-195 HW Workshop-HW All Stars-1992 BMW M3-white-F Case
2014-199 HW Workshop-HW All Stars-1974 Chevy SS Opal-ZAMAC-E Case-WALMART
2014-203 HW Workshop-Garage-2013 SRT Viper-yellow-D Case
2014-208 HW Workshop-Garage-1964 Lincoln Continental Hardtop-blue-F Case
2014-212 HW Workshop-Heat Fleet-1969 Dodge Coronet Superbee-olive green-E Case
2014-227 HW Workshop-Then & Now-Scoin FRS-silver-F Case
2014-229 HW Workshop-Then & Now-2014 COPO Camaro-ZAMAC-E Case-WALMART
2014-231 HW Workshop-Muscle Mania-1970 Camaro-green-D Case
2014-234 HW Workshop-Muscle Mania-1969 Dodge Charger Daytona-ZAMAC-lt or dk chrome-WALMART-E Case
2014-235 HW Workshop-Muscle Mania-1969 Ford Torino Talladega-red-E Case
2014-238 HW Workshop-Muscle Mania-1973 Ford Falcon XB-purple-F Case
2014-240 HW Workshop-Muscle Mainia-1974 Brazilian Dodge Charger-yellow-D Case
2014-241 HW Workshop-Performance-1955 Gasser-blue-F Case
2014-241 HW Workshop-Performance-1955 Gasser-blue-SUPER TH-F case
2014-244 HW Workshop-Performance-1971 Plymouth Road Runner-green-F Case
2014-248 HW Workshop-Performance-1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport-blue-F Case
2014-250 HW Workshop-Performance-Custom 1964 Galaxie 500-red-F Case
2014 Happy New Year Carbonator-black and red-CHASE
2014 RLC Membership Drag Dairy Delivery
2014 RLC Membership Drag Dairy Delivery-blue
2014 RLC Membership Drag Dairy Delivery-chrome
2014 RLC Membership Drag Dairy Delivery-purple
2014 RLC Membership Drag Dairy Delivery-red
2014- Twin Mill-antifreeze green-SUPER TH
Cars Movie Waiter Mater-brown with serving tray and cocktail glasses
Cool Classics 2014 #1 1932 Ford-purple
Cool Classics 2014 #2 1987 Toyota Pickup Truck-orange
Cool Classics 2014 #3 1967 Pontiac Firebird-gold
Cool Classics 2014 #5 Chevy Camaro Concept-gold
Cool Classics 2014 #6 1977 Pontiac Firebird-blue
HW Clock-Radio 2014 $29
HW Elite 2014 Ferrari 599XX EVO-red
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 1969 Chevelle SS-brown and black-MAIL IN CAR #1
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 2014-121 HW Off Road-Daredevils-Loop Coupe-bluegray-REGULAR TH- F Case
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 2014-135 HW Off Road-HW Hot Trucks-Sandblaster-brown-F Case
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 2014-139 HW Off Road-HW Hot Trucks-Datsun 620 Pickup-blue-F Case
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 2014-195 HW Workshop-HW All Stars-1992 BMW M3-white-F Case
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 2014-238 HW Workshop-Muscle Mania-1973 Ford Falcon XB-purple-F Case
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 2014-241 HW Workshop-Performance-1955 Gasser-blue-SUPER TH- F Case
Kroger 2014 Valentine Sweet Rides 1 of 6-2007 Chevy Tahoe-red-Sour Cherry
Kroger 2014 Valentine Sweet Rides 2 of 6-41 Pro Mod Willys-black-Chocolate 100
Kroger 2014 Valentine Sweet Rides 3 of 6-Fiat 500c-gold-Caramel Crunch
Kroger 2014 Valentine Sweet Rides 4 of 6-Fire Eater-red
Kroger 2014 Valentine Sweet Rides 5 of 6-1968 Mercury Cougar-white-Cinnamon Fire
Kroger 2014 Valentine Sweet Rides 6 of 6 1968 El Camino-brown-Toffee Taffy
Monster Jams 2014 Grave Digger with see through body
Monster Jams 2014 VA Giant-blue with Monster Figure #26
Rapid Transit Trains- Turboa-black red and blue
Exclusive cars are:
2014- HW All Stars-1992 BMW M3-white
2014- HW Hot Trucks-Datsun 620 Pickup-blue
2014- HW Hot Trucks-Sandblaster-brown
2014- Muscle Mania-1973 Ford Falcon XB-purple
MAIL IN CAR #1-1969 Chevelle SS-brown with a black roof
RLC line up for 2014:
•Neo-Classics '58 Plymouth Belvedere
•Neo-Classics '64 Dodge 330
•Neo-Classics '64 GMC Panel
•Neo-Classics Olds 442 Staff Car
•Real Riders '83 Chevy Silverado 4x4
•Real Riders Breakaway Bucket
•Real Riders Thunder Roller
9 pack 2014 Opel Frogster-green
2014-089 HW City-The Homer (Simpsons)-green-F case
2014-094 1971 Mustang Mach 1-lt or dk root beer-SUPER TH
HW Elite 2014 Flintstones Flintmobile with Fred and Barney 1-50 scale
HW Elite 2014 Mystery Machine with Shaggy and Scooby 1-50 scale
HW Playset 2014 Pit Stop Station
HW Playset 2014 Police Pursuit
HW Playset 2014 Speed Junctiion track
HW Playset 2014 Turbo Wash
HW Sticker Kit with pouch and 200 HW stickers at TRU
HW Stickers by the Roll with 1000 HW stickers at TRU
HW Workshop 2014 Car Design Kit with 2 cars
HW Workshop 2014 Car Design Machine with one car-$19
Kmart Day Feb 15 2014 1969 Chevelle SS-brown and black
Monster Jams 2014 Grave Digger-black with monster driver figure
Monster Jams 2014 Team HW-chrome-6 spoke wheels and monster driver figure
Retro Entertainment 2014 The Jetsons Capsule Car-green
Silly Supermarket Stickers-GOT WHEELS-these are like Wacky Packs
9 pack 2013 1964 Chevelle Malibu SS-brown with flames
9 pack 2013 1964 Chevelle Malibu SS-orange with flames
9 Pack 2013 1964 Chevelle-brown
9 Pack 2013 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500-metallic red
9 Pack 2013 1970 Roadrunner-green
9 Pack 2013 Ford GTX1-green-F29 base
9 pack 2014 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8-metallic blue
2012-180 HW Racing-Bone Shaker-black-OLD or NEW logo base
2013-034 HW City Grafitti Rides-Olds 442 W30-red-PR5-FTE silver-FTE red2014-199 HW Workshop-Chevy SS Opel-blue SUPER TH
2014-202 HW Workshop-2013 HW Chevy Camaro Special Edition-red-SUPER TH
2014- 1955 Gasser-blue-SUPER TH
2014- 2007 Ford Mustang-burnt orange-SUPER TH
2014- 2007 Ford Mustang-red-SUPER TH-
2014- Chevelle SS-purple-SUPER TH
2014 Color Shifters-City-#1 of 48-2005 Mustang GT-black to red
2014 Color Shifters-City-#2 of 48-Audacious-white to blue
2014 Color Shifters-City-#3 of 48-Fire Eater-white to red
2014 Color Shifters-City-#4 of 48-HWTF Buggy-blue to yellow
2014 Color Shifters-City-#5 of 48-Skull Crusher-white to pink
2014 Color Shifters-City-#6 of 48-VW Drag Bus-green to white
2014 Color Shifters-City-#7 of 48-Power Rage-green to black
2014 Color Shifters-City-#8 of 48-Purple Passion-blue to dk blue
2014-135 HW Off Road-Sandblaster-green- SUPER TH
2014 Track Builder 5 Pack-Asphalt Assault-light blue
2014 Track Builder 5 Pack-Custom 2011 Camaro-purple
2014 Track Builder 5 Pack-High Voltage-red
2014 Track Builder 5 Pack-Krazy 8s-black and orange
2014 Track Builder 5 Pack-Spine Buster-green
2014-Subaru STi-silver-REGULAR TH
Cars 2 Movie-Flash-blue-SUPER CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Ichigo-Tuners-white-CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Ruka-Airport Waitress-blue-CHASE
Cars Movie 2014 Megen Carrar-red-CHASE
Cars Movie 2014 Trike Feldman-red-SUPER CHASE
HW Slumber bag at TRU
Kmart Day Feb 2014 1969 Chevelle SS-brown and black
Kmart Day Nov 2 2013 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8-black
Kmart Day Nov 2 2013 Cadillac® CTS-V--pearl gray
Kmart Day Nov 2 2013 Custom 1964 Galaxie 500-metellaic blue
Kmart Day Nov 2 2013 Nissan Titan-candy apple red
Kmart Day Nov 2 2013-VW Drag Bus Poster
Liberty Promotions 2013 Brazil Wild Wing VW Drag Bus-black and green-REBEL RUN
Liberty Promotions 2013 Brazil Wild Wing VW Drag Bus-white and green
2013-095 HW Stunt-Road Rally-Time Tracker-orange-PR5 or 10 spokes
2013-113 HW Racing Thrill Racers-Dieselboy-yellow-5 sp OR FTE wheels
2013-117 HW Racing-Thrill Racers-Yur So Fast-red-NEW or OLD HW logo on base
2013-188 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Shoebox-blue with lg OR sm base letters
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #13 Mitsubishi Double Shots-yellow
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #14 Cadillac LMP-yellow
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #15 Old #3-green
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #16 Avant Garde-silver
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #17 Steel Flame-yellow
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #18 Brit Speed-silver
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #19 1963 TBird-purple
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #20 Asphalt Assault-red
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #21 Fangula-blue
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #22 Hot Tub-green
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #23 Hypertruck-yellow
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 #24 Lotus Sport Elise-red
2013 Mystery Car Set 2 Poster 13 to 24
2013 Star Trek Into the Darkness DVD and HW USS Vengence at Walmart
2014-026 HW City-Night Burnerz-Subaru WRX-silver-lt or dk windows
2014-053 HW City Fangster-blue-dark OR light yellow base-REGULAR TH
2014-053 HW City Fangster-blue-REGULAR TH
2014-053 HW City Fangster-blue-smoke OR black wheels-REGULAR TH
2014-066 HW City-HW Midevil Rides-Rodzilla-green with dot designs on rear
2014-066 HW City-HW Midevil Rides-Rodzilla-green with fur designs on rear
2014-066 HW City-HW Midevil Rides-Rodzilla-green with white teeth
2014-090 HW City-The Jetsons Capsule Car-green
2014-094 1971 Mustang Mach 1-lt or dk root beer-SUPER TH
2014-101 HW Off Road-Speedbox-black and blue-REGULAR TH
2014-168 HW Race-Track Stars-Maximum Leeway-black-REGULAR TH E Case
Liberty Promotions 2013 Independence Day VW Drag Bus-black and blue with fireworks
Liberty Promotions 2013 Independence Day VW Drag Bus-black and purple with fireworks-REBEL RUN
Liberty Promotions 2013 Malibu Surfin VW Drag Bus-blue and gold-REBEL RUN
Liberty Promotions 2013 Malibu Surfin VW Drag Bus-red and gold
Liberty Promotions 2013 Malibu Surfin VW Drag Bus-turquoise and gold-27th Annual Collectors Convention
Liberty Promotions 2013 Santa's Sled VW Drag Bus-red and green
Liberty Promotions 2013 Santa's Sled VW Drag Bus-red and white-REBEL RUN
M2 2013 1968 Pontiac Firebird-SCF02-ZAMAC -black wheels-CHASE-WALMART ONLY
M2 2013 1968 Pontiac Firebird-SCF02-ZAMAC -orange wheels-SUPER CHASE-WALMART ONLY
M2 2013 1970 Ford Mustang Gambler 514-SCF03-ZAMAC-black wheels- CHASE-WALMART ONLY
M2 2013 1970 Ford Mustang Gambler 514-SCF03-ZAMAC-orange wheels-SUPER CHASE-WALMART ONLY
M2 2013 Auto Haulers Mustang 50 Years-CHASE-WALMART ONLY
Pop Culture 2013 SpongeBob Squarepants-SpongeBob Hot Rod-yellow and orange
Pop Culture 2013 General Mills-1949 Ford COE-orange-Kix
Pop Culture 2013 General Mills-1977 Custom Dodge Van-pink-Frankenberry
Pop Culture 2013 General Mills-1977 Packin Pacer-red-Totinos
Pop Culture 2013 General Mills-Custom1952 Chevy -yellow-Cherrios
Pop Culture 2013 General Mills-Super Van-yellow-Old El Paso
Pop Culture 2013 Looney Tunes 1940 Ford Convertible-pink-Pepe LePew
Pop Culture 2013 Looney Tunes 1971 Plymouth Satellite-red and black-Taz
Pop Culture 2013 Looney Tunes 1985 Ford Bronco-olive green-Elmer Fudd
Pop Culture 2013 Looney Tunes Customized C3500-gold-Speedy Gonzales
Pop Culture 2013 Looney Tunes VW Drag Bus-blue and green-Foghorn Leghorn
Pop Culture 2013 Muppets Beakermobile-pink--Beaker
Pop Culture 2013 Muppets Custom-orange--Fozzie Bear
Pop Culture 2013 Muppets Piggy mobile-black and silver--Miss Piggy
Pop Culture 2013-Mars Candy-Anglia Panel Truck-brown and white-Snickers
Pop Culture 2013-Mars Candy-Bread Box-green-Milky Way
Pop Culture 2014 Hanna Barbera-1949 Ford F1 pickup truck-tan and brown-Yogi Bear
Pop Culture 2014 Hanna Barbera-1951 GMC COE-turquoise and white-Top Cat
Pop Culture 2014 Hanna Barbera-1964 GMC Panel-yellow-Captain Caveman
Pop Culture 2014 Hanna Barbera-Convoy Custom-white and green-Magilla Gorilla
Pop Culture 2014 Hanna Barbera-Haulin Gas-Flintstones
Pop Culture 2014 Hanna Barbera-Quick D-livery-turquoise-Scooby Doo
Rapid Transit Trains- Bendy Bus-lt blue and dk blue
Rapid Transit Trains- Bullet Speeder-chrome and blue
Rapid Transit Trains- Cargo Cruiser-blue and orange
Rapid Transit Trains- Diesel Chief-yellow and silver
Rapid Transit Trains- Diesel Trax-black and yellow
Rapid Transit Trains- Fast Freight-black and orange
Rapid Transit Trains- Fast Freight-red and gray
Rapid Transit Trains- Great Scot-green
Rapid Transit Trains- Rail Rocket-black and blue
Rapid Transit Trains- Rocky Mountain Rail-bluegreen
Rapid Transit Trains- Rocky Mountain Rail-orange
Rapid Transit Trains- Snake Speeder-black and red
Rapid Transit Trains- Steam Blaster-yellow and black
Rapid Transit Trains- Steamin demon-blue
Rapid Transit Trains- Steamin' Demon-red with flames
Rapid Transit Trains- Steel Bullet-red
Rapid Transit Trains- Super Steamliner-green and yellow
Rapid Transit Trains- Super Stoker-green
Rapid Transit Trains- Super Stoker-orange
Rapid Transit Trains- Turbo Hauler-yellow
Rapid Transit Trains- Turbo Trolley-green and beige
Rapid Transit Trains- West Coast Flyer-silver
Rapid Transit Trains- Wild Ride-orange and brown
Retro Entertainment 2014 67 GTO-gold and black-Need For Speed
Retro Entertainment 2014 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8-black-Fast and Furious Fast 5
Retro Entertainment 2014 Custom 77 Dodge Van-black-Old School
Retro Entertainment 2014 Dodge Power Wagon-red-Simon and Simon
Retro Entertainment 2014 Flintmobile-brown-The Flintstones
Retro Entertainment 2014 GMC Motorhome-green and beige-Stripes
Retro Entertainment 2014 Star Trek-USS Enterprise-white on stand
Retro Entertainment 2014 Star Trek-USS Excelsior NCC 2000-white on stand
Retro Entertainment 2014 VW Beetle-white-Herbie the Love Bug
Here are the Nov. 2 2013 K-Day exclusive colored cars:
Cadillac CTS-V-pearl gray
Nissan Titan-candy apple red
Custom 1964 Galaxie 500-metallic blue
2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8-black
Mail-in car VW Drag Bus-black and pink
To order your K-Day case online...go to
2013 Mainline Variation List:
(list thanks to 1eyedjack)
color code
ANO = anodized
AQU = aqua
BLK = black
BLU = blue
BRN = brown
CHR = chrome
CHAR = charcoal
CLR = clear
CPR = copper
GLD = gold
GRA = gray
GRN = green
IVY = ivory
MF = metalflake (base only)
MTL = metal
NON = none
ORN = orange
PRL = pearl
PUR = purple
SAT = satin
SIL = silver
SPEC = Spectraflame
TNT = tinted
UNK = unknown
WHT = white
YEL = yellow
wheel code
alw = all large wheels
asw = all small wheels
axl = all extra large wheels
axs = all extra small wheels
OR = off road
RR = real riders
NOTE* - #244 - 67 Camaro may be found in any combination of variations listed.
No. - Casting Name - Color - base / interior / windows - wheels
1934 Ford Hot Rod
1955 Chevy Cameo Pick-up
1968 AMC AMX
1952 Chevy 3100 Pick-up
9 Pack 2013 Ford GTX1-green
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-lt or dk green-SUPER TH
2014-033 HW City-1981 Delorean DMC12-silver
2014-090 HW City-The Jetsons Capsule Car-green
2014-108 HW Off-Road-Subaru Impreza WRX-red
2014-129 HW Off-Road-Datsun 620-orange
2014-192 HW Workshop-Toyota 2000 GT-black
2014-200 HW Workshop-1963 Aston Martin DB5-green
2014-202 HW Workshop-2013 HW Chevy Camaro Special Edition-red-SUPER TH
2014-229 HW Workshop-2014 COPO Carmaro-white
2014-234 HW Workshop-1969 Dodge Charger Daytona-red
M2 2013 1932 Ford Roadster Foose P32-ZAMAC and orange-black wheels-CHASE-WALMART ONLY
M2 2013 1932 Ford Roadster Foose P32-ZAMAC and orange-orange wheels-SUPER CHASE-WALMART ONLY
2013-002 HW City-Street Power-Cadillac V16 Concept-red
2013-008 HW City-Street Power-Pagani Huayra-silver
2013-009 HW City-Street Power-Ducati Diavel-blue
2013-016 HW City-HW Rescue-Mad Propz-red
2013-020 HW City-HW Rescue-HW Pursuit-blue
2013-024 HW City-Night Burnerz-2011 Corvette Grand Sport-turquoise
2013-036-HW City-Graffiti Rides-1964 Lincoln Continental-green
2013-039 HW City-Graffiti Rides-Power Panel-purple
2013-040 HW City-Grafitti Rides-VW Bug Convertible-blue
2013-043 HW City-HW City Works-Speed Dozer-yellow
2013-057 HW Imagination-Future Fleet-RD05-purple
2013-067 HW Imagination-Dino Riders-Swamp Buggy-tan
2013-072 HW Imagination-Surf Patrol-Hammer Down-blue
2013-077 HW Stunt-Stunt Circuit-Cool One-yellow
2013-079 HW Stunt-Stunt Circuit-Cloud Cutter-blue
2013-079 HW Stunt-Stunt Circuit-Cloud Cutter-silver
2013-080 HW Stunt-Stunt Circuit-Fig Rig-yellow
2013-083 HW Stunt-HW Drift Race-Twinduction-silver
2013-085 HW Stunt-HW Difft Race-Drift Rod-blue
2013-085 HW Stunt-HW Difft Race-Drift Rod-silver
2013-088 HW Stunt-Desert Force-Dune It Up-red
2013-095 HW Stunt-Road Rally-Time Tracker-red
2013-098 HW Stunt-HW Moto-Sand Stinger-blue
2013-105 HW Racing HW Race Team-Rescue Duty-white and blue002
2013-109 HW Racing-HW Race Team-Mig Rig-white
2013-115 HW Racing-Thrill Racers-Loop Coupe-white
2013-119 HW Racing-Thrill Racers-Skate Punk-blue
2013-124 HW Racring-Track Aces-Bad to the Blade-black and orange-REGULAR TH
2013-133 HW Racing-XRaycers-Horseplay-yellow
2013-142 HW Racing-Super Chromes-Croc Rod-chrome
2013-147 HW Racing-Super Chromes-Rivited-chrome
2013-149 HW Racing-Super Chromes-Chicane-gold chrome
2013-151 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 918 Spyder-black
2013-151 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 918 Spyder-blue
2013-152 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Cadillac CTSv-red
2013-153 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Aston Martin DBS-blue
2013-153 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Aston Martin DBS-white
2013-154 HW Showroom Asphalt Assault-BMW 2002-blue
2013-154 HW Showroom Asphalt Assault-BMW 2002-green
2013-154 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-2010 Ford Shelby GT500 Supersnake-green
2013-156 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 918 Spyder-silver
2013-157-HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 911 GT3 RS -orange
2013-158 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Nissan Skyline GTR-black
2013-158 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Nissan Skyline GTR-red
2013-159 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Datsun 240Z-white
2013-160 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-VW Scirocco GT24-blue
2013-161 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Custom 1969 Chevy Pickup-green
2013-161 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Custom 1969 Chevy Pickup-red
2013-162 HW showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Custom 62 Chevy Pickup-purple
2013-162 HW showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Custom 62 Chevy Pickup-red
2013-163 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1972 Ford Ranchero-purple
2013-163 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1972 Ford Ranchero-purple-SUPER TH
2013-164 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Nissan Titan-blue
2013-166 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1983 Chevy Silverado-orange
2013-166 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1983 Chevy Silverado-purple
2013-167 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-2010 Toyota Tundra-red
2013-168 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Chevy Silverado-yellow
2013-169 HW Showroom- HW Hot Trucks-VW Kool Kombi-green
2013-169 HW Showroom- HW Hot Trucks-VW Kool Kombi-orange
2013-170 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1967 Chevy C10-red
2013-171 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Lotus M250-blue
2013-172 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-1992 BMW M3-silver
2013-173 HW Showroom-HW aAll Stars-Lamborghini Aventador LP7004-black
2013-173 HW Showroom-HW aAll Stars-Lamborghini Aventador LP7004-white
2013-174 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Ferrari F12 Berlinetta-red
2013-176 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Toyota 2000 GT-dark red-SUPER TH
2013-177 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-VW Golf GTI-blue
2013-177 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-VW Golf GTI-silver
2013-178 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Enzo Ferrari-red
2013-178 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Enzo Ferrari-yellow
2013-179 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Ducati 1098R-black
2013-180 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Lamborghini Aventador J-red
2013-181 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Bone Shaker- pink
2013-181 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Bone Shaker-dark pink-SUPER TH
2013-182 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Phaeton-black
2013-182 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Phaeton-purple
2013-183-HW Showroom-American Turbo-Purple Passion-green
2013-183-HW Showroom-American Turbo-Purple Passion-red
2013-184 HW Showroom-American Turbo-So Fine-green
2013-185 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Custom Cadillac Fleetwood-black
2013-185 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Custom Cadillac Fleetwood-red
2013-186 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Fangula-red
2013-187 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Surf Crate-purple
2013-187 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Surf Crate-yellow
2013-188 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Shoe Box-blue
2013-188 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Shoe Box-red
2013-189-HW Showroom-American Turbo-1934 Ford-light blue
2013-190 HW Showroom-American Turbo-1955 Chevy Bel Air Gasser-black
2013-190 HW Showroom-American Turbo-1955 Chevy Bel Air Gasser-gold
2013-190 HW Showroom-American Turbo-1955 Chevy Bel Air Gasser-gray
2013-192 HW Showroom-HW Garage-2012-Camaro ZL1-red
2013-193 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1949 Drag Merc-yellow
2013-194 HW Showroom-HW Garage-2013 Chevy Camaro SE-blue
2013-194 HW Showroom-HW Garage-2013 Chevy Camaro SE-green
2013-195 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1964 Chevy Nova Station Wagon-blue
2013-195 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1964 Chevy Nova Station Wagon-red
2013-198 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1973 Ford Falcon XB-black
2013-198 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1973 Ford Falcon XB-yellow
2013-200 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1969 Dodge Charger Daytona-purple
2013-202 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-2009 Corvette ZR1-chrome red-SUPER TH
2013-202 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-2009 Corvette ZR1-red
2013-204 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1964 Corvette Stingray Concept-purple
2013-204 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1964 Corvette Stingray-bluegray
2013-204 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1964 Corvette Stingray-red
2013-205 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-2013 C7 Corvette-red
2013-206 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-80s Corvette-green
2013-206 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-80s Corvette-purple
2013-207 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1962 Corvette-blue chrome-SUPER TH
2013-208 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1976 Greenwood Corvette-yellow
2013-209 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-2009 Corvette Stingray-prange
2013-210 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-Corvette Grand Sport-blue
2013-211 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-Custom 1956 Ford F100-purple
2013-212 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1969 Dodge Coronet Super Bee-blue
2013-212 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1969 Dodge Coronet Super Bee-red
2013-214 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1969 Chevelle SS 396-black
2013-214 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1969 Chevelle SS 396-red
2013-215 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1971 Plymouth Road Runner-yellow with flames
2013-217 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1971 Dodge Demon-blue
2013-217 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1971 Dodge Demon-greenblue-SUPER TH
2013-218 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-Custom1964 Ford Galaxie-orange
2013-219 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1955 Classic Nomad-purple
2013-220 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1959 Impala-green
2013-221 HW Showroom-Then and Now-1970 Camaro Road Race-black
2013-222 HW Showroom-Then & Now- 1971 Dodge Challenger-black
2013-225 HW Showroom-Then and Now-1992 Ford Mustang-green
2013-226 HW Showroom-Then and Now-2010 Camaro SS-black
2013-227 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8-yellow
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-green
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-green-SUPER TH
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-green-SUPER TH002
2013-231 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1966 Chevy Nova-green
2013-232 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1969 Ford Mustang-green
2013-233-HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1971 El Camino- blue
2013-233-HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1971 El Camino- orange
2013-234 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1971 Hemi Cuda-red
2013-235 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1973 Pontiac Firebird-blue
2013-238-HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1964 Buick Riviera-purple
2013-239 HW Showroom-Muscle Mainia-1970 Monte Carlo-blue
2013-240 HW Showroom Muscle Mania-1968 Plymouth Barracuda Formula S-purple
2013-241 HW Showroom-HW Performance-Chevrolet SS-red
2013-242 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1972 Ford Torino Sport-blue
2013-242 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1972 Ford Torino Sport-turquoise-SUPER TH
2013-242 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1972 Ford Torino Sport-white
2013-243 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1969 Mercury Cougar Eliminator-orange
2013-245 HW Showroom-Muscle Mainia-1968 Shelby GT500-red
2013-245 HW Showroom-Muscle Mainia-1968 Shelby GT500-white
2013-246 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Pontiac GTO Judge-blue
2013-247 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Plymouth AAR Cuda-blue
2013-248 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS Wagon-black-Moon Eyes
2013-248 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS Wagon-yellow-Moon Eyes
2013-249 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Buick GSX-red
2013-250 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS-black-Erdelbrock
2013-250 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS-light blue-GULF
20 Pack Team HW Buggy-ZAMAC-Target Exclusive
2013-008 HW City-Street Power-Pagani Huayra-red 10 spoke wheels
2013-008 HW City-Street Power-Pagani Huayra-red-J5 wheels
2013-010 HW City-Street Power-Lotus-Evora GT4b-black
2013-036-HW City-Graffiti Rides-1964 Lincoln Continental-purple
2013-045 HW City-HW City Works-Ford F150-blue-5 spoke dot off road wheels
2013-045 HW City-HW City Works-Ford F150-blue-12 spoke off road wheels
2013-124 HW Racring-Track Aces-Bad to the Blade-black and orange-REGULAR TH
2013-125 HW Racing-Track Aces-Maximum Leeway-lt or dk blue
2013-158 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Nissan Skyline GTR-ZAMAC-Walmart #6
2013-159 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Datsun 240Z-ZAMAC with RED LETTERS on HOOD-Walmart #14
2013-159 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Datsun 240Z-ZAMAC-with blue letters on hood-Walmart #14
2013-160 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-VW Scirocco GT24-ZAMAC-WALMART #12
2013-161 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Custom 1969 Chevy Pickup-ZAMAC-Walmart #7
2013-170 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1967 Chevy C10-red
2013-174 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Ferrari F12 Berlinetta-ZAMAC-Walmart #13
2013-180 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Lamborghini Aventador J-ZAMAC-Walmart #17
2013-183-HW Showroom-American Turbo-Purple Passion-ZAMAC-WALMART #15
2013-184 HW showroom-American Turbo-So Fine-blue-5 sp or MC5 wheels
2013-189 HW Showroom-American Turbo-34 Ford-light blue-lt or dk fenders
2013-189-HW Showroom-American Turbo-1934 Ford-red
2013-192 HW Showroom-HW Garage-2012-Camaro ZL1-ZAMAC-Walmart #9
2013-201 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1969 Corvette-lime green
2013-204 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1964 Corvette Sting Ray-ZAMAC-Walmart #8
2013-211 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-Custom 1956 Ford F100-ZAMAC-WALMART #16
2013-219 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1955 Classic Nomad-ZAMAC-Walmart #2
2013-226 HW Showroom-Then and Now-2010 Camaro SS-ZAMAC-Walmart #4
2013-228 HW Show Room-Then and Now-2011 Dodge Charger RT-blue
2013-231 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1966 Chevy Nova-ZAMAC-Walmart #5
2013-234 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1971 Hemi Cuda-ZAMAC-Walmart #3
2013-235 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1973 Pontiac Firebird-ZAMAC-WALMART #18
2013-239 HW Showroom-Muscle Mainia-1970 Monte Carlo-ZAMAC-Walmart #10
2013-243 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1969 Mercury Cougar Eliminator-ZAMAC-Walmart #1
2013-245 HW Showroom-Muscle Mainia-1968 Shelby GT500-ZAMAC-Walmart #11
2013 27th Collectors Convention LA CA Sept 25 to 29 2013-Olds 442-red
2013 27th Collectors Convention LA CA Sept 25 to 29 2013-VW Drag Bus-blue
2013 2010 Camaro Convertible-blue-PR5 or FTE wheels
2013 HWTF 5 Pack-Bedlam-yellow
2013 HWTF 5 Pack-Bone Shaker-black
2013 HWTF 5 Pack-Chevy Camaro Concept-transparent blue
2013 HWTF 5 Pack-Rapid Response-gray
2013 HWTF 5 Pack-Super Tsunami-green
2013 Jukebox-Blues-1932 Ford Vicky-black
2013 Kroger Halloween Cars-Evil Twin-green
2013 Kroger Halloween Cars-Fangula-gold
2013 Kroger Halloween Cars-Gangster Grin-burnt orange
2013 Kroger Halloween Cars-Highway Hauler 2-black and orange
2013 Kroger Halloween Cars-Rigor Motor-pink
2013 Road Rockets 5 Pack Impavido 1-silver
2013 Road Rockets 5 Pack RD09-blue
2013 Road Rockets 5 Pack Rocketfire-black
2013 Road Rockets 5 Pack Tread Air-purple
2013 Road Rockets 5 Pack Urban Agent-orange
2013 World Race 5 Pack-Aston Martin One-77
2013 World Race 5 Pack-Lamborghini Countach-blue
2013 World Race 5 Pack-Lamborghini Reventon-gold
2013 World Race 5 Pack-Lotus Esprit-burnt orange
2013 World Race 5 Pack-Mazda Furai-black
2014-Subaru STi-silver-REGULAR TH
Cars Movie 2013 FABRIZIO-gold-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Flash- blue-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Francesca-light blue-CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Hot Rod Lightning McQueen black-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Hot Rod Mater-black-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Hydro Finn- light blue-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Ice Cream Truck Mater- white and blue-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Lightning McQueen- gold-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 LONG GE - redorange-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Low-N-Slow McQueen - purple-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Memo Rojas Jr- red white green-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Party Lightning McQueen- red-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Ramone - light green-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Red- red-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Sheriff- black-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Silver Hot Rod Lightning McQueen -silver-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Stars & Stripes Lightning McQueen- red-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Tokyo Mater- light blue-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Tokyo Mater purple-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Tractor-black and orange-Disney Store CHASE
Cars Movie 2013 Yukio-pink and green-SUPER CHASE
HW 2013 app-tivity Bone Shaker-gold
HW 2013 app-tivity Drift King-blue
HW 2013 app-tivity Power Rev-olive
HW 2013 app-tivity with Bone Shaker and Drift King
HW 2013 app-tivity Yur So Fast-red
Retro Entertainment2013 Magnum PI- Island Hopper-orange brown yellow
Retro Entertainment2013 Magnum PI -VW Sunagon-orange brown yellow
Retro Entertainment2013 Magnum PI -VW Sunagon-orange brown yellow2
Retro Entertainment2013 Miami Vice-Ferrari 365 GTS4 Daytona Spyder-black
Retro Entertainment2013 The Muppets-Animal-orange
Retro Entertainment2013 The Muppets-Gonzo-purple
Retro Entertainment2013 The Muppets-Kermit the Frog-green
Retro Entertainment 2013 Smokey & the Bandit-1975 Kensworth W900-black and gold
Retro Entertainment 2013 The Italian Job-Morris Mini-blue
Kmart Collector's Day September 14 2013
Mail-in car is-Rolling Thunder-black and pink
Exclusive Cars are:
2013-036-HW City-Graffiti Rides-1964 Lincoln Continental-purple
2013-189-HW Showroom-American Turbo-1934 Ford-red
2013-201 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1969 Corvette-lime green
2013-229 HW Showroom-2011 Dodge Charger R/T-blue
June 30-August 30...TRU Mail-in EVENT- Buy 20 cars from TRU and get a free mail-in car (Purple Passion Woodie in pink) Go for more info...
August 1-December 31 3013...Hot Wheels Race Rewards At Wal-Mart...go to more info...
2013 National Jamboree Los Angeles Hot Wheels can get them from the LA Scout Council for $15 a set or $1.50 each.
2013-008 HW City-Street Power-Pagani Huayra-silver
2013-014 HW City-HW Rescue-Ford Mustang GT Concept-blue-REGULAR TH
2013-017 HW City-HW Rescue-2010 Camaro SS Police-black-REGULAR TH
2013-019 HW City-HW Rescue- Fire Eater-white-REGULAR TH
2013-022 HW City-Night Burnerz Mazda RX7-silver-REGULAR TH
2013-022 HW City-Night Burnerz Mazda RX7-silver-REGULAR TH2
2013-027 HW City-Night Burnerz-Dodge Challenger Drift Car-white-REGULAR TH
2013-032 HW CITY-Graffiti Rides-Custom 1977 Dodge Van-black-REGULAR TH
2013-036 HW City-Graffiti Rides-1964 Lincoln Convertible-green-REGULAR TH
2013-039 HW City-Graffiti Rides-Power Panel-purple
2013-041 HW City-HW City Works-Bread Box-white-REGULAR TH
2013-051 HW Imagination-HW Street Pests-Sting Rod II-olive green-REGULAR TH
2013-055 HW Imagination-HW Street Pests-Bad Ratitude-white
2013-086 HW Stunt-Desert Force-Baja Truck-red
2013-092 HW Stunt-Road Rally-2012 Ford Fiesta-red-REGULAR TH
2013-101 HW Racing-HW Race Team-HW Prototype H24-blue-REGULAR TH
2013-108 HW Racing-HW Race Team-BLVD Bruiser-blue
2013-117 HW Racing-Thrill Racers-Yur So Fast-red and yellow
2013-120 HW Racing-Thrill Racers-Hot Wheels High Bus-yellow
2013-121-HW Racing-Track Aces-Circle Trucker-green-REGULAR TH
2013-128 HW Racing-Track Aces-Fast Fish-light blue-REGULAR TH
2013-136 HW Racing-XRaycers-Carbonator-blue and green-REGULAR TH
2013-145 HW Racing-Super Chromes-Bump Around-dk OR lt blue
2013-157 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 911 GT3RS-black
2013-163 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1972 Ford Ranchero-purple-SUPER TH
2013-167 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-Toyota Tundra-red SUPER TH
2013-176 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-Toyota 2000 GT-dark red-SUPER TH
2013-181 HW Showroom-American Turbo-Bone Shaker-dark pink-SUPER TH
2013-183-HW Showroom-American Turbo-Purple Passion-ZAMAC-WALMART #15
2013-196 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1957 Chevy-red
2013-197 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1969 Camaro Convertible-red-SUPER TH
2013-198 HW Showroom-HW Garage-1973 Ford Falcon XB-gold-SUPER TH
2013-202 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-2009 Corvette ZR1-chrome red-SUPER TH
2013-207 HW Showroom-Corvette 60th-1962 Corvette-blue chrome-SUPER TH
2013-211 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-Custom 1956 Ford F100-ZAMAC-WALMART #16
2013-217 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1971 Dodge Demon-greenblue-SUPER TH
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-green-SUPER TH
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-green-SUPER TH002
2013-229 HW Showroom-Then & Now-2007 Ford Mustang-green-SUPER TH-SIGNED
2013-233-HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1971 El Camino-burnt orange-SUPER TH
2013-235 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1973 Pontiac Firebird-ZAMAC-WALMART #18
2013-238-HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1964 Buick Riviera-purple-SUPER TH
2013-242 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1972 Ford Torino Sport-turquoise-SUPER
2013-244 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1967 Camaro-blue-SUPER TH
2013 27th Collectors Convention LA CA Sept 25 to 29 2013-VW Drag Bus-blue
2013 157-HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 911 GT3 RS-black
2013 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-2012 Acura NSX Concept-red
2013 HW Walmart Mail-in Promo Info
2013 National Jamboree Los Angeles Hot Wheels Patches
2013 RLC Neo Classics-Blown Delivery-spectraflame olive green
2014-199 HW Workshop-Chevrolet SS-blue-SUPER TH
2014- Camaro ZL1-red- SUPER TH
2014-Subaru STi-silver-REGULAR TH
ComicCon 2013 1971 El Camino Custom-black
ComicCon 2013 A Team Van-black and muddy
ComicCon 2013 A Team Van-black and muddy002
ComicCon 2013 Atari Beach Bomb Pickup-blue chrome-Asteroids
ComicCon 2013 Battlestar Galactica-Colonial Viper-chrome
ComicCon 2013 Battlestar Galactica-Cylon Raider-chrome
RLC 2012 Rewards Car-VW Drag Bus-blue chrome
9 Pack 2013 1964 Chevelle-orange
9 Pack 2013 1970 Road Runner-blue
2013-001 HW City-Street Power-1970 Toyota Celica-yellow-MC5 wheels
2013-001 HW City-Street Power-1970 Toyota Celica-yellow-OH5 wheels
2013-008 HW City-Street Power-Pagani Huayra-red-10 spoke wheels
2013-008 HW City-Street Power-Pagani Huayra-red-J5 wheels
2013-009 HW City-Street Power-Ducati Diavel-blue
2013-010 HW City-Street Power-Lotus Evora GT4-black
2013-018 HW City-HW Rescue-Mitsubisi Eclipse Concept-yellow
2013-035 HW City-Graffiti Rides-1965 Pontiac Bonneville-green
2013-035 HW City-Graffiti Rides-1965 Pontiac Bonneville-purple
2013-038 HW City Graffiti Rides-2009 Ford F150-blue
2013-038 HW City Graffiti Rides-2009 Ford F150-green
2013-044 HW City-HW City Works-Wheel Loader-black and orange-5 sp dot wheels
2013-061 HW Imagingation-Batman-1989 Batmobile-black-lt or dk windows
2013-061 HW Imagingation-Batman-1989 Batmobile-black-open or closed turbine
2013-063 HW Imagination-Batman-Arkham Asylum Batmobile-black
2013-069 HW Imagination-Dino Riders-Enforcer-purple
2013-078 HW Stunt-Stunt Circuit-Jeep Scrambler-blue
2013-090 HW Stunt-Desert Force-Baja Bone Shaker-blue-5 spoke dot off road wheels
2013-090 HW Stunt-Desert Force-Baja Bone Shaker-blue-12 spoke off road wheels
2013-105 HW Racing HW Race Team-Rescue Duty-blue and white
2013-111 HW Racing-HW Race Team-Torque Twister-redorange-chrome wheels
2013-111 HW Racing-HW Race Team-Torque Twister-redorange-green and yellow wheels
2013-125 HW Racing-Track Aces-Maximum Leeway-blue
2013-155 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-2010 Ford Shelby Supersnake-white-BLUE CHROME WHEELS
2013-155 HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-2010 Ford Shelby Supersnake-white-CHROME WHEELS
2013-157-HW Showroom-Asphalt Assault-Porsche 911 GT3 RS -black
2013-165 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1987 Toyota Pickup Truck-black
2013-165 HW Showroom-HW Hot Trucks-1987 Toyota Pickup Truck-tan
2013-172 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-1992 BMW M3-blue-MC5 wheels
2013-172 HW Showroom-HW All Stars-1992 BMW M3-blue-PR5 wheels
2013-189 HW Showroom-American Turbo-34 Ford-light blue
2013-199 HW Showroom-HW Garage-Scion FRS-red
2013-216 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1986 Monte Carlo SS-dark red
2013-220 HW Showroom-Heat Fleet-1959 Impala-blue-TRU COLOR
2013-221 HW Showroom-Then and Now-1970 Camaro Road Race-silver-TRU COLOR
2013-227 HW Showroom-Then and Now-2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8-yellow-PR5 or MC5 wheels
2013-236 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1969 Ford Torino Talladega-black
2013-236 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1969 Ford Torino Talladega-gold
2013-237 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1965 Mustang 2x2 Fastback-blue
2013-237 HW Showroom-Muscle Mania-1965 Mustang 2x2 Fastback-gray
2013-240 HW Showroom Muscle Mania-1968 Plymouth Barracuda Formula S-orange
2013-244 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1967 Camaro-black-with DOOR LINES
2013-244 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1967 Camaro-black-with high dash
2013-244 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1967 Camaro-black-with LOW dash
2013-244 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1967 Camaro-black-with NO DOOR LINES
2013-244 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1967 Camaro-black-with or without HW logo on base
2013-248 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS Wagon-black-Moon Eyes
2013-248 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS Wagon-yellow-Moon Eyes
2013-250 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS-red-TRU COLOR
2013-250 HW Showroom-HW Performance-1970 Chevelle SS-red-TRU COLOR-
2013 Collectors Convention LA CA Sept 25 to 29 2013-Dairy Delivery-blue and white
2013 Cool Classics-1 of 30-1963 Chrysler Turbine-gold
2013 Cool Classics-2 of 30-Blastous Moto-red
2013 Cool Classics-3 of 30-1963 Plymouth Belvedere-copper
2013 Cool Classics-4 of 30-40 Ford-purple
2013 Cool Classics-5 of 30-1965 Mercury Comet Cyclone-blue
2013 Cool Classics-6 of 30-Turbo Mustang-antifreeze green
2013 Cool Classics-7 of 30-1967 Pontiac Firebird-antifreeze green
2013 Cool Classics-7 of 30-1967 Pontiac Firebird-purple
2013 Cool Classics-8 of 30-1967 Ford Mustang-red
2013 Cool Classics-9 of 30-Custom V8 Vega-gold
2013 Cool Classics-10 of 30-T Bucket-pink
2013 Cool Classics-11 of 30-AMC Rebel Machine-green
2013 Cool Classics-12 of 30-Shelby Cobra Daytona-blue
2013 Cool Classics-13 of 30-1965 Mustang Convertible-bluegray
2013 Cool Classics-14 of 30-1969 Mercury Cylone-bluegray
2013 Cool Classics-15 of 30 VW Beetle-red
2013 Cool Classics-16 of 30-1962 Chevy-orange
2013 Cool Classics-17 of 30-1951 Pontiac Le Sabre-green and silver
2013 Cool Classics-18 of 30-1967 Oldsmobile 442-antifreeze green
2013 Cool Classics-18 of 30-1967 Oldsmobile 442-orange
2013 Cool Classics-19 of 30-1957 Chrysler 300-purple
2013 Cool Classics-20 of 30-1967 Mustang Shelby GT500-blue
2013 Cool Classics-21 of 30-1968 Mercury Couger-green
2013 Cool Classics-22 of 30-1968 Hemi Barracuda-orange
2013 Cool Classics-23 of 30-Custom 1953 Chevy-gold
2013 Cool Classics-24 of 30-Chevelle SS Express-orange
2013 Cool Classics-25 of 30-1961 Impala-bluegray
2013 Cool Classics-26 of 30-Dixie Challenger -blue
2013 Cool Classics-27 of 30-1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1-orange
2013 Cool Classics-28 of 30-1968 COPO Camaro-pink
2013 Cool Classics-29 of 30-Plymouth Duster Thruster-antifreeze green
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-1965 Chevy Malibu-light blue
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-1965 Ford Ranchero-orange
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-1968 Nova-red and black
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-2009 Ford Focus RS-green
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-Hooligan-purple and white
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-Hyper Mite-turquoise pink white
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-Meyers Manx-yellow
2013 Easter Eggsclusives-Olds 442-pink
2013- HW Racing-4Ward Speed-blue and orange
2013 HWC Original 16 Custom Camaro-spectraflame blue-July 9 2013
2013 HWC Original 16 Custom Mustang-spectraflame gold-June 11 2013
2013 HWC Real Riders Series 12-1992 Ford Mustang-spectraflame red
2013 HWC Special Edition Volkswagen T1 Drag Bus-blue and white-July 16 2013
2013 Police Pursuit 5 Pack-24-7 yellow
2013 Police Pursuit 5 Pack-2007 Chevy Tahoe-blue
2013 Police Pursuit 5 Pack-Ford Fusion-green
2013 Police Pursuit 5 Pack-Poison Arrow-black
2013 Police Pursuit 5 Pack-Speed Trap-red
2013 RLC Honky Tonk Hot Rod-spectraflame red
2013 RLC Mail in-VW Drag Bus T1-blue and white HW Racing
2013 RLC Selections-1969 Ford Mustang-spectraflame yellow-June 2013
2013 RLC Selections-Lone Gone-purple-July 2013
2013 Rooftop Race Garage Playset
2013 Rooftop Race Garage Playset-Growler-white
2013-Kroger-HW Showroom-Pony Up-green-dk or lt orange stripes-SCAVENGER HUNT
2013-Kroger-HW Showroom-Vulture-light or dark yellow-SCAVENGER HUNT
2014-199 HW Workshop-Chevy SS Opel-blue SUPER TH
2014- Camaro ZL1-red- SUPER TH
2014- Sandblaster-green- SUPER TH
2014-Jetsons Car
Dark Knight Trilogy Box Set-Sept 2013 Tumbler Bike Bat
Dark Knight Trilogy Box Set-Sept 2013 with 3 HW vehicles
Flying Customs 2013 1965 Mustang Hardtop-blue
Flying Customs 2013 1969 Camaro-chrome
Flying Customs 2013 1970 Ford Grand Torino-purple
Flying Customs 2013 1970 Olds 442 4x4-yellow
Flying Customs 2013 1976 Chevy Chevette-purple
Flying Customs 2013 1977 Plymouth Arrow-blue
Flying Customs 2013 1978 Corvette Funny Car-black
Flying Customs 2013 1981 Ford Fairmont-blue
Flying Customs 2013 1982 Toyota Supra-black
Flying Customs 2013 Jeep CJ7-brown
Flying Customs 2013 Nissan Skyline 2000 FTR-light blue
Flying Customs 2013 Texas Drive Em-white
Flying Customs 2013 Turbo Mustang-yellow
HW Elite 2013-Bat Pod-black
HW Elite 2013-Lamborghini Aventador LP700-silver
HW Test Facility 5 Pack-Go Kart-silver
HW Test Facility 5 Pack-Ground FX-blue
HW Test Facility 5 Pack-HW40-black
HW Test Facility 5 Pack-Nitro Scorcher-red
HW Test Facility 5 Pack-Toyota Off Road Truck-white
Liberty Promotions 2013 Fireworks VW Drag Bus-black-REBEL RUN
Liberty Promotions 2013 Fireworks VW Drag Bus-midnight blue
M2 2013 1956 Ford F100-yellow-CHASE
M2 2013 1957 Dodge 700 COE Stakebed Truck-maroon and blue-CHASE
M2 2013 1957 Fargo COE Stakebed Truck-blue and white-CHASE
M2 2013 1958 GMC Fleet Option Truck-green-CHASE
M2 2013 1958 GMC Fleet Option Truck-white-CHASE
M2 2013 1967 Ford Mustang GT-gold-CHASE
M2 2013-AutoThentics-1957 Mercury Turnpike-blue and white with gold trim-CHASE
M2 2013-Wild Cards-1956 Ford COE Wrecker-black with gold trim-CHASE
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Bad Mudder2-charcoal
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Bad to the Blade-orange
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Baja Truck-green
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Canyon carver-white
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-CircleTracker-blue
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Drift King-red
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Dune It Up-orange
McDonalds HW Promo-June 2013-Twinduction-black
Monster Jams 2013 Mighty Minis-Grave Digger & Wrecking Crew
Monster Jams 2013 Mighty Minis-Grinder & Team HW
Monster Jams 2013 Mighty Minis-Monster Mutt & Shocker
Monster Jams 2013 Mighty Minis-Team HW & Grave Digger
Pop Culture 2013 Movie Monsters-1959 Caddilac Funny Car-purple and red-Bride of Frankenstein
Pop Culture 2013 Movie Monsters-Chrysler Airflow-tan and gold-The Mummy
Pop Culture 2013 Movie Monsters-Double Demon Delivery-silver-Frankenstein
Pop Culture 2013 Movie Monsters-Low Flow-green and yellow-Creature from the Black Lagoon
Pop Culture 2013 Movie Monsters-Neet Streeter-red-Drucula
Pop Culture 2013 Movie Monsters-VW T1 Panel Van-blue-The Wolfman
Pop Culture 2013-Archies-1967 Ford Bronco-yellow and white-Archie
Pop Culture 2013-Archies-1970 Chevy Blazer-black orange white-Reggie
Pop Culture 2013-Archies-Ice Cream Truck-white and pink-Betty
Pop Culture 2013-Archies-LaTrocha-brown and white-Jughead
Pop Culture 2013-Archies-Super Van-blue-Veronica Archie Betty
Pop Culture 2013-Hanna Barbera-1949 Ford F1 Pickup-tan and brown-Yogi Bear
Pop Culture 2013-Hanna Barbera-1951 GMC COE-green and white-Top Cat
Pop Culture 2013-Hanna Barbera-1964 GMC Panel-yellow-Captain Caveman
Pop Culture 2013-Hanna Barbera-Convoy Custom-white and green-Magilla Gorilla
Pop Culture 2013-Hanna Barbera-Haulin Gas-bluegray-The Flintstones
Pop Culture 2013-Hanna Barbera-Quick D Livery-light blue-Scooby Doo
Pop Culture 2013-Mars Candy-1929 Ford Pickup-tan and blue-Dove
Pop Culture 2013-Mars Candy-1970 Chevelle Wagon-gray-3 Musketeers
Pop Culture 2013-Mars Candy-Deco Delivery-red-Skittles
Pop Culture 2013-Mars Candy-Smokin Grille-brown-M&Ms
Retro Entertainment2013 Magnum PI Island Hopper-orange brown yellow
Retro Entertainment2013 Magnum PI VW Sunagon-orange brown yellow
Retro Entertainment2013 Scooby Doo Mystery Machine-green
Retro Entertainment 2013 American Graffiti-32 Ford-yellow
Retro Entertainment 2013 American Graffiti-58 Edsel-turquoise
Retro Entertainment 2013 American Graffiti-1958 Chevy Impala-white
Retro Entertainment 2013 Battlestar Galactica-Colonial Viper-white
Retro Entertainment 2013 Battlestar Galactica-Cylon Raider-silver
Retro Entertainment 2013 Beverly Hills Cop-1968 Nova-blue and white
Retro Entertainment 2013 Footloose-VW Bug-yellow
Retro Entertainment 2013 Miami Vice Ferrari F512M-white
Retro Entertainment 2013 Night Rider KITT-black
Retro Entertainment 2013 Simon & Simon-1985 Chevy Camaro IROC Z-red
Retro Entertainment 2013 Smokey and the Bandit-77 Pontiac Firebird-black2
Retro Entertainment 2013 The Brady Bunch-1971 Plymouth Satellite-gold
Retro Entertainment 2013 The Italian Job-Morris Mini-blue
Retro Entertainment 2013 The Italian Job-Morris Mini-red
RLC 2012 Rewards Car-VW Drag Bus-blue chrome
Street Beasts 5 Pack-Audacious-green
Street Beasts 5 Pack-Drift King-white
Street Beasts 5 Pack-HW Prototype 12-gold
Street Beasts 5 Pack-RD02-black
Street Beasts 5 Pack-Scorcher-orange
2013 HW Chevy Camaro...REAL CAR videos at
Antique Trader Article
Here are some interesting articles from Old Cars Weekly about some REAL cars that have been made into HW cars...